Environmental Stewardship

Our sustainability approach

Mammut Holdings is committed to generating enduring value for both shareholders and stakeholders by prioritizing environmental, social, and governance policies. Our dedication to sustainable practices drives us to identify and address key material risks and opportunities, establish monitoring frameworks, and engage stakeholders transparently. With sustainability at the core of our strategy, we aim to achieve responsible mining operations across all facets of our business.

Mammut Holdings’s environmental, social and governance (ESG) framework

Our sustainability approach is guided by our environmental, social, and governance (ESG) policies and systems, which serve as a framework for measuring changes through our ESG management and reporting system. This comprehensive approach addresses risks and areas with significant impact on Mammut Holdings’ strategic objectives, value creation, and long-term sustainability. The following table illustrates Mammut Holdings’ governance structure and processes, ensuring effective management, monitoring, and reporting of social and environmental impacts.

Environmental stewardship

Mammut Holdings remains dedicated to safeguarding the environment by responsibly extracting resources and minimizing our ecological impact.
The rapid shift towards low-carbon technologies to combat climate change is significantly driving up the demand for critical minerals like copper and cobalt. Achieving a sustainable low-carbon future necessitates more responsible mining practices. We actively mitigate our environmental impact through.
  • Capacity building & training.
  • Environmental risk management systems.
  • We uphold international standards and best practices set forth by organizations such as OECD, ISO, IFC, and UNSDG.
  • We are ramping up our utilization of renewable energy, with hydroelectric projects already providing the majority of our current power needs.
  • We are consistently striving to further diminish our carbon footprint.

Our communities

Mammut Holding prioritizes enhancing the quality of life in the areas where we are active. We achieve this by investing in community development and upholding high standards of safety, responsibility, and ethics. Our primary goal is to generate lasting value for all stakeholders involved. We view our commitment to improving the well-being of local communities as more than just a moral obligation—it’s a strategic imperative. Through nurturing local economies, we foster a supportive environment for our projects, ensuring their longevity and protecting investments. Our strategy for maintaining a social license to operate revolves around initiating impactful projects that empower communities to build sustainable legacies for future generations.

Mammut Holding plays a crucial role in fostering prosperity in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) by offering significant employment opportunities.

Governance and ethics

Mammut Holding is dedicated to maintaining the utmost ethical standards across all its operations. Transparency and accountability are fundamental values that bolster confidence among shareholders and stakeholders. The company remains steadfast in its commitment to conducting business professionally, equitably, and with unwavering integrity.

At Mammut Holding, our corporate governance framework is seamlessly woven into our board and management setups, alongside our health and safety protocols, auditing practices, and compliance procedures. Our dedication to transparency and the ongoing enhancement of our ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) scorecard is highly regarded by our financial and commercial partners.

We methodically recognize, evaluate, and alleviate health, safety, and environmental risks while enhancing the capabilities of our workforce to comprehend their duties in operational risk management. Our assurance procedures rigorously examine the adequacy, structure, and efficiency of our controls, ensuring alignment with best practices.